A Love Beyond: A Scottish Historical Romance (The Reivers Book 2)
Title page
Part One - Act 1
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
End matter
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Copyright © 2017 Belle McInnes
All rights reserved.
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This book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the characters, places and events are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Apart from well-known historical figures, any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.
Printed in the United Kingdom
First published, 2017
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A Love Beyond
Belle McInnes
About this book
Mary Queen of Scots may reign, but villainous plotters have designs on her throne…
As handmaid to Mary Queen of Scots, heiress Libby Preston is in the perfect place to meet an eligible Lord and make an advantageous marriage. But Libby is from the Borders of Scotland, where life is hard and lawless men run rampant. And this Borders lass has a terrible secret—a secret that would ruin her reputation and her chances of a suitable match, should it ever come to light...
When the Queen falls mortally ill, French physician Claude Nau is sucked into the dramas and dangers of her Scottish entourage. Surrounded by ambitious men who seek their own advancement no matter the cost—even if that cost is regicide—he fights to heal the queen of her mystery ailment and battle his way through the intrigues and machinations of court.
Helping him navigate the complexities of the royal household is Libby Preston, a rich gentlewoman who is out of reach for a man from his lowly background. But his heart yearns for her, even if their love is fated never to be.
Just when Claude thinks that his life has taken a turn for the better, the villainous plotters carry out their most audacious atrocity yet, and Claude finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time… A mistake that could cost him his livelihood—or his life.
Chapter One
Simon does not want to let Michael go, in case he lets out the secret of their stronghold
Alex pleads for clemency, and says that Michael saved her life; he wouldn't then betray her
Simon ties Michael up and makes him prisoner in the barn. Michael is worried about getting his message to the Queen.
In the dead of night, Alex wakes Michael and releases him with his horse. She leads them through the wood back to the stone, and then along the Kershope to the border, where they kiss and he canters off in the moonlight to Stobs.
But when Alex makes her way back to the farmhouse, she is nearly run over by a fleeing rider, and finds them in the latter stages of a raid by the Armstrongs - who must've set watchers and been alerted to the secret hideaway by Alex and Michael.
Xxx (the guard on the barn) has been killed, but everyone upstairs is okay, although one person is wounded. Many of the raiders lie dead on the ground with arrows sticking out of them, but the remaining Armstrongs have stolen Duke, along with a couple of other horses. Simon thinks it's the Armstrongs who've released (or taken prisoner) Michael. Alex keeps quiet.
Alex feels awful, for it is her fault the Armstrongs know of their secret hideaway, and her fault that xx is dead and Duke stolen.
Sun 6th 1/2 moon
They need to go on a hot trod to recover the horse and kill the raiders before they can spread the word about the bastle.
But most of the men and horses are back at Simon's main keep further down the valley. While Simon and xx others go to gather a hot trod party, Alex recruits Hob to help her go find Duke.
At dark, Hob and Alex make their way to Mangerton Tower, seat of ??Dod Armstrong. Hob helps Alex over the wall and she creeps across the courtyard between the barnekin wall, unties Duke, leaps onto his back and rides him at the stockade/palisade fence. He sails over the fence and she rides to the nearby bushes where she left Hob. But their escape is halted by Bothwell, who has come in force to apprehend ??Dod. Bothwell flings them into his prison at Hermitage to await judgement from the Queen (when she arrives at Jed)
Mon 7th
The next day, Bothwell goes after the Elliots, and fights with Little Jock Elliot. He's injured and too sick to take anyone for judgement.
Thurs 3th Michael meets Alex, en route to Gretna
Fri 4th Day of Truce
Sat 5th Returning from Gretna, Michael meets Alex. She's injured. He's taken captive by the Grahams. Escapes at night. Armstrongs attack Graham bastle house. Steal Duke
Sun 6th Simon goes south to xxdale to get reinforcements and ride a hot trod.
Michael arrives back at Stobs. Changes and gets a fresh horse to travel on to Jed.
But Alex and Hob go after Duke on their own (after dark). Get Duke, but get caught by Bothwell and flung in his prison to await judgement from the Queen (when she arrives at Jed)
Mon 7th
Bothwell's fight with Jock Elliot. He's injured and too sick to take anyone for judgement.
Alex & Hob are in prison at Hermitage
Michael arrives in Jed but Mary has not yet arrived. He kicks his heels.
Tues 8th Mary arrives in Jedburgh and hears Bothwell is sick
Michael gets an audience with Mary, who says she's already tasked Bothwell with subduing Liddesdale
What does Michael do then? He wants to look for Alex. But Mary asks him to stay and advise on her assizes.
Michael doesn't know what to do about Alex, because she's english and her father is hostile towards him. Although he'd like to woo her, he feels he will not be able to.
One of Mary's handmaids (one of the Maries) singles him out for attention, and he enjoys her company but keeps comparing her with Alex. What can he do? He cannot deny his nationality, but he cannot deny his feelings for Alex
The assizes last days (too long) and Michael is itching to get back to Kershope to see if he can find Alex again. Although he'd have to be careful not to be seen by her father.
Something happens in the prison (so we can visit Alex & Hob again). Alex is worrying about Duke? Trying to find out from a guard what will happen to the horses?
Tues 15th Mary decides to travel to Hermitage to visit Bothwell
Wed 16th No moon Mary travels to Hermitage (via Stobs) with Michael in party, to visit Bothwell. Michael thinks to make excuses and go look for Alex at the river meadow, if he can escape the party.
While there, Mary is asked to judge the prisoners (Alex included). Michael recognises her - even though she's dirty and thin from the conditions in the dungeons. He points out that it's her horse (gets her to 'dance' with it) stands bail for her, and gets her released into his care.
Mary returns to Jed. Falls in bog. Is rescued by Alex. Somehow that is to Alex's advantage. Maybe when the
y stop at Stobs for Mary to get dry clothes and a fresh horse, Mary makes Alex a dame or something of Scotland and appoints her a royal horse trainer and that means Michael can marry her? HEA
Chapter Two
ALEX IS OFFERED a job with the queen as Riding Master
Bothwell objects as she's an Englishwoman
Michael stands up for her, saying she'd hardly be a spy as she was retrieving her horse
Mary says she'll need a guarantee of good behaviour
Michael offers to attest for her good behaviour on his honour as Warden
Bothwell asks whey he'd do that as Alex is nothing to him
The queen suggests that as Alex is an heiress it would benefit Michael to marry her
Alex says that she will not marry a bigamist (she thinks he's married to Flam)
Michael says that he's never been married
Mary re-iterates her suggestion of a job for Alex and marriage to Michael
Michael says they can't marry as Alex is an Englishwoman
Mary says she can give them a licence
Michael asks Alex if she'd marry him as a bond for her good behaviour and ride for the queen
Alex says she'd prefer a more romantic proposal
Hob pipes up and says she can't marry w/o her father's say-so
The queen suggests a handfasting as a binding contract that her father could anul
The queen finishes her business with Bothwell
They are handfasted
Hob is sent south to deliver a message to Alex's father and invite him to meet them at Jed for the marriage ceremony?
They fall out because Michael assumes she'll stay at Stobs; she wants to stay near Edin to work for the queen, he doesn't want to leave his estate
They leave Hermitage for Stobs then Jed (why?)
Alex is riding Duke, Mary on her white palfrey, Michael on Spirit.
Mary falls in the bog when her palfrey slips on a narrow path and spills her sideways. She is sinking.
Alex jumps off Duke ('stay') and gets Michael to hold her feet. As the lightest, she spreads herself wide then holds out her good hand to Mary.
It's not far enough, and Mary is sinking fast. Michael gives Alex the cord from their handfasting. Mary catches that, and together they pull her to safety. Alex saves the muddy cord, so Michael knows she still cares
Mary is muddy and her palfrey is limping, so Alex offers her Duke. She boosts up in front of Michael.
They ride for Stobs where Mary and Alex can get dry clothes. Thomas is sent ahead to Stobs to get hot water prepared. Alex can tell Michael is aroused by having her beside him.
At Stobs the queen bathes and dresses (in Michael's clothes) in the guest chamber. Alex similarly in his (does she explore his clothes/drawers?)
As thanks for saving her, Mary confers a title and lands on Alex (and Michael?)
These lands are between Jed & Edin, and they realise they can compromise by staying there and commuting as needed. They reconcile
The ride on for Jed. Michael stays at the Eagle, Alex bunks with Libby
They are to be married in a couple of days, in the presence of the queen, once Alex's father arrives - but the queen gets ill
While they wait, Alex helps Michael train Spirit
Alex's father arrives and initially says NO to the marriage, because Michael is a Scot. He wants Alex to marry a landed English gentry.
Alex's initial reaction is an angry retort, but for once she bites her tongue (Alex CHANGES). After a moment's thought, she reminds her father that all of the suitors he's shown her so far have been old and gouty and did he not say she should marry for love, unlike Simon and his wife? With Michael, she could give him grandsons who would inherit Kersdale and keep it in the family
Simon is persuaded to allow them to marry.
(Do they wait for the queen to get better?)
They marry. HEA
Chapter Three
19 JUNE PRINCE James (I and VI) born
Sun 6th 1/2 moon
Bothwell flings them into his prison at Hermitage to await judgement from the Queen (when she arrives at Jed)
Mon 7th
The next day, Bothwell goes after the Elliots, and fights with Little Jock Elliot. He's injured and too sick to take anyone for judgement.
Tues 1st Mary summoned the Laird of Cessford (Walter Ker) to Edinburgh to give advice prior to her journey
Thurs 3th Michael meets Alex, en route to Gretna
Fri 4th Day of Truce Bothwell leaves Edinburgh/Melrose for Liddesdale
Sat 5th Returning from Gretna, Michael meets Alex. She's injured. He's taken captive by the Grahams. Escapes at night. Armstrongs attack Graham bastle house. Steal Duke
Bothwell on the rampage to apprehend Armstrongs
Sun 6th Simon goes south to xxdale to get reinforcements and ride a hot trod.
Michael arrives back at Stobs. Changes and gets a fresh horse to travel on to Jed (in the morning).
Michael arrives in Jed but Mary has not yet arrived. He kicks his heels.
But Alex and Hob go after Duke on their own (after dark). Get Duke, but get caught by Bothwell and flung in his prison to await judgement from the Queen (when she arrives at Jed)
Bothwell imprisons some of the notorious Armstrongs and Johnstones, before going after the Elliots
Mon 7th
Bothwell's fight with Jock Elliot. He's injured (stab wounds to his forehead, thigh and left hand) and too sick to take anyone for judgement.
But when Bothwell's men arrive back at Hermitage with their severely injured and unconscious leader, the prisoners, mainly Armstrongs, have overpowered their guards and taken over the castle. They refuse to allow entry to the injured Bothwell.
Led by Robert Elliot of the Shaws, the reivers negotiated with Bothwell (or his officers?) who agreed to free all the prisoners and to grant them amnesty. Lying injured without medical help, Bothwell was probably past caring. His party were allowed into the castle where his wounds were attended to.
Alex & Hob are in prison at Hermitage
Mary leaves Holyrood for Jedburgh, via Cowdenknowes mansion near Melrose. (returns via Home (NNW of Kelso, SEE of Gordon 55.665278, -2.470833), Langton (near Duns) and Wedderburn Castle (near Duns))
Tues 8th. Mary met by Lords etc @ Cowdenknowes mansion near Melrose. Darnley hunting & hawking in west of scotland
Wed 9th Mary arrives in Jedburgh and hears Bothwell is sick
Mary opens the Assizes
Michael gets an audience with Mary, who says she's already tasked Bothwell with subduing Liddesdale
What does Michael do then? He wants to look for Alex. But Mary asks him to stay and advise on her assizes.
Michael doesn't know what to do about Alex, because she's english and her father is hostile towards him. Although he'd like to woo her, he feels he will not be able to.
One of Mary's handmaids (one of the Maries) singles him out for attention, and he enjoys her company but keeps comparing her with Alex. What can he do? He cannot deny his nationality, but he cannot deny his feelings for Alex
The assizes last days (too long) and Michael is itching to get back to Kershope to see if he can find Alex again. Although he'd have to be careful not to be seen by her father.
Although the assizes lasted 6 days, there were fewer cases with the Armstrongs, Johnstones and Elliots in custody. Moray considered Mary over-lenient in her sentencing, giving fines to those found guilty rather than seeking their execution
Something happens in the prison (so we can visit Alex & Hob again). Alex is worrying about Duke? Trying to find out from a guard what will happen to the horses?
Tues 15th Hearing about the Armstrong breakout, Mary decides to travel to Hermitage to visit Bothwell, to emphasise to him her seriousness about subduing the reivers. She wanted a briefing from him as Governor of this border district. Philibert Du Croc, the French Ambassador, arrives (Monsieur du Croc)
Wed 16th No moo
Mary writes to the French King (Charles IX) from Jed (dated 16th - maybe she writes it on 15th?)
Mary travels to Hermitage (via Stobs) with Michael in party, to visit Bothwell. Michael thinks to make excuses and go look for Alex at the river meadow, if he can escape the party. Leaves at 7am, arrives at noon.
While there, Mary is asked to judge the prisoners (Alex included). Michael recognises her - even though she's dirty and thin from the conditions in the dungeons. He points out that it's her horse (gets her to 'dance' with it) stands bail for her, and gets her released into his care.
Mary returns to Jed. Falls in bog. Is rescued by Alex. Somehow that is to Alex's advantage. Mary had to stop at a farmhouse near Hawick to dry herself and repair her clothing. Maybe when they stop at Stobs for Mary to get dry clothes and a fresh horse, Mary makes Alex a dame or something of Scotland and appoints her a royal horse trainer and that means Michael can marry her? HEA
17 Oct - Mary writes Bothwell of her illness?
25 Oct (poss as early as 21st) - Bothwell - still ill - arrived on a horse litter
27 Oct - Darnley hears of the queen's illness and rides for Edinburgh; arriving that evening. Leaves for Jed on 28th. Hearing that Mary is dying, he rushes to Jed to see for himself and claim the crown. But, thwarted by her recovery, he leaves only a day later
28 Oct. Darnley, Mary's husband, the King consort arrived and was forced to lodge in a private house in the high street next to the Eagle, which was already occupied by Lord Home.
However, by the 30 Oct. 1566, Mary was showing signs of recovery, and was ordering silks from Edinburgh to be sent to Jedburgh, for a new dress (presumably to replace the dress that was ruined by being thrown into the mire).